24 Volts DC, 12mm diameter(~1/2"), Unshielded, 3 wire,
Pull-DOWN type. (Sinking). Output Wire CONNECTED TO
0 V.D.C. when in Sensor is CLOSE TO METAL.
$68.75 each Purchase Here

>>> Specifications;
Continuous Load Current .......................... 200 mA
Off-State Leakage Current .......................... 10 microAmps (maximum)
No-Load Current ........................................ 6-10 mA
Reverse Polarity Protected .......................... Standard
Repeatability ............................................... 2% Or Less of Trigger Distance
LED indicator ............................................. Red = Output Energized
Voltage Drop Across Sensor (Conducting) .. 1.5 V.D.C.
Power-On False Signal Suppresion .............. Standard
Barrel Length............................................... 2.25 Inches

>>> Extra Hardware for Above Unit

nuts, package of 20
$4.50 Purchase Here
washers, package of 20
$3.00 Purchase Here

right angle bracket 1
$6.50 Purchase Here
block (adjusting) 1
$8.00 Purchase Here